Milo was at the Sportsman Show in Syracuse, NY in Feb 1994 and I obtained an autographed magazine with his photo on the front and got to talk with him for a couple of minutes. Milo took the buck with a fatal shot from his .308 Winchester around 11:AM on 11/23/1993.
I had not looked at the magazine in years and for some reason this morning picked it up and read the article again. This being an election year I found something else interesting in the 4 page NRA ad in the center of the magazine copy.
One BLURB on page 4 of the ad, reads as follows:
The Clinton Administration has already cut federal prison funding by $550 million dollars in FAVOR OF (Community Placement) and "Criminal rehabilitation programs." Meanwhile, they're supporting nationwide gun bans as "Health Care Reform" plus a NEW 25% "Sin Tax" on lawful purchasers like you to pay the hospital tab for big-city criminals, gunshot victims. Only law abiding gun owners can save their lawful gun rights by joining the NRA now"
On the same page of the NRA 4 page glossy ad are several common sense alternatives to the Clinton's plans to punish the good guys for the bad guys crime and protect the 2nd amendment right .
to bear arms.
Looking back at politics 22 years reminds me that the more things change, "The More They Stay The Same".
We need to be diligent, get informed, stay informed and VOTE. 2016 may be the most important year in the history of the country to VOTE.
God Bless,