I received an email last week and it appears official that Madison County will join the list of NYS counties making it legal to hunt with a centerfire rifle for the 2008 deer hunting season.
I have a son-in-law and a brother-in-law neither of which own a rifle, so I am in the process of spending some range time trying to come up with an appropriate rifle and load for them this fall, or until they can purchase their own rifle. Truth be known, they are not really handicapped by their previous choice of weapons which were a 20 ga and 12 ga shotgun respectfully.
I did take the Savage Weather Warrior in .308 with accu-trigger to the range over the weekend and put just 6 shots down range. In the photo above, the first 3 were fired at exactly 100 yards and measured 1.25 inches center to center. The bottom group was fired at exactly 200 yards and measured 2.25 inches. The 100 yard group is about 2 inches high and the 200 yard group is apprx 1.5 inches low. I was using Winchester plain Jane vanilla flavored 150 grain Power points during the test.
The wind was definitely a factor on Sunday and was causing the tree tops to bend towards the right of my target stand. For that reason, I did not make any windage adjustments as previous groups on a calm day were well centered.
I will most likely take this rifle myself this fall. It is light, quick into action, hits hard and is easy to maneuver and quite accurate. I carried this rifle with me into the Maine woods a couple of years ago and on the last day of a 5 day hunt, passed up a crotch horn at about 40 yards. I did put the scope on him and tracked him for a ways and could have easily dumped him. I did not drive all the way to Maine for a crotch horn and figured in a couple of years he might be a respectable buck as far as headgear goes. I mounted a Simmons Pro-hunter series with their own version of rainguard on this rifle. I paid around $100 for the scope and was pleasantly surprised at the clarity and the scope thus far has held its zero very well and when I walked the adjustments around the target, it also tracked quite well.
I swapped out the original 2.5X10X44 Simmons Aetec I had on the gun because we were caught in some heavy rain showers for about 1/2 of the trip. I was short on cash at the time and took a chance on the new improved Simmons line and am pleasantly surprised at the quality.
For more information about the Savage Weather Warrior series in .308, please visit my website (www.gunsandoptics.com), however please note the website is under reconstruction right now and it might be a couple of months before it is back up and running.
Revolutionary War facts: Did you know that if Britan had NOT won the Seven Years war, there might not have been an American Revolution? It was taxes imposed to pay the cost of that victory that stirred Americans to resistance and then on to independence.
Did you know that the grandfather of novelist Herman Melville, author of Moby Dick, participated in the Boston Tea Party?
Factoids from a book entitled, "It Happened In The Revolutionary War" by Michael R. Bradley, printed by the Globe Pequot Press
Matthew 13:36,37 KJV But, I say unto you, "That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment, (37)For by thy words, thou shalt be justified and by the words thou shalt be condemned"
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