Friday, December 2, 2011

Hunting Season 2011

I would like to tell you that I have a freezer full of venison right now, however that is NOT the case. I had several close encounters during bow season, however for one reason or another, I didn't bring one home with me. I saw five separate bucks during bow season along with a number of does. I drew on 3 of them and still did not get a decent shot. It was exciting none-the-less.

Gun season was also exciting with the rut going on and bucks chasing does (on the run) during several days of the gun season in NY.  My brother-in-law Allen and I are going out again tomorrow morning and will likely hunt till around noon. I am going to go to a hedge row that butts up against a corn field and sit there for a while in the morning. This field was a harvested oat field last year and during muzzeloader season had bucks and does in the middle of the field most of the daylight hours. They positioned themselves so that 200 yards was about your closest shot from any angle. You also had several sets of eyes to deal with.

A week ago, they were cutting the corn and I am not sure if they finished or if it is a mixture of cut and standing corn. I will likely take the Savage Weather Warrior w/accu trigger and a Bushnell 3X10X40 elite 3200 Scope with me tomorrow morning. It shoots 2.5 inch 3 shot groups at 200 yards off the bench and should be good to 250 yards plus with a decent rest. IF I see either a buck or doe and can stay hidden in the hedge row with a decent rest, I have a decent chance of taking one home with me. I will be stuffing the .308 with Federal 150 grain power shoks as they shoot real well in this particular rifle. I will travel lighter and likely will take just a grunt call and the BIG can doe bleat call with me. My son, Jeremy did not get to go hunting with me this year thus far and I miss having him with me. He is going to try and go one or two days during ML season. He works now in the Atlanta, GA doing landscape architect work. I have the TC thumb hole stocked Omega dialed in for him with 110 grains of Pyrodex RS loose powder behind a Hornady red tipped 250 grain SST saboted bullet. My TC Encore 209/50 uses (2) 50 grain Pyrodex pellets behind the TC yellow tipped shock wave saboted bullet. Both bullets are the same except for the color of the tip.

HOPE springs eternal, so I will keep you posted on how we make out tomorrow. because of work scheduling etc., tomorrow will likely be it for me during regular rifle season. After that I will only get out once or maybe twice during the NY muzzle loader season.

UPDATE 12/21/2011 - Hunting season 2011 is now behind us and I did not end up taking a deer this year. NO excuses, as I missed two bucks during bow season at around 40-45 yards (PAST my normal self imposed limit). Both were clean misses and went over the bucks backs. They were not even spooked and didn't know I was there. The wind was right, and unaware deer but just plain missed. Drew on a 3rd buck during bow season at about 28 yards broadside, however he was moving through some brush and I was tracking him waiting for him to come out into a small opening, when he abruptly turned and went over the hill. I hit the estrous doe bleat, the grunt call and finally the snort wheeze all to zero effect.  Had another nice buck opening day just before shooting time at around 65-70 yards. That day I was carrying the Marlin model 336 .35 Rem with Hornady Leverevolution loads. I had had a Wild West Happy Trigger installed prior to hunting season and the rifle was putting 3 shots into one ragged hole at 100 yards. The problem was that I was moving and caught out in the open and could NOT make out whether the deer was a buck or a doe to BE SURE. I didn't have a doe tag and by the time I figured out that he was definitely a buck (as I suspected, because of his size and being alone etc.)until it was too late. He had me pegged and I was unable to do anything but watch his rack dissappear in the direction from whence he came. Hey it happens. I never got out at all this year during muzzle loader season due to work demands and a busy schedule. Still in all, it was an enjoyable season even though I did not fill my tag. I saw 4 separate bucks and several does and it was fun just being out there. I always remind myself that, "A bad day hunting beats a good day at work".

Have a "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year". By the way some guy from Northern NYS apparently shot a 20 point buck about 2 miles from where I hunt and it is reported to score between 190-200 B&C.


Matthew 6:33

King James Version (KJV)

33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


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