Wednesday, February 8, 2012

OZONE Scent Technology For Hunting Deer or Bear

It is said that a Bear's sense of smell is seven times better than a bloodhound and that is saying something. A whitetail deer is no slouch in the senses defense mechanisms and pretty much live out their lives based on their sense of smell.

I never purchased any of the Scent-Lok clothing or Charcoal activated products that came under controversy in the last couple of years. I do NOT have a problem with any of them. I just didn't have the extra money to purchase new clothing. What I have done pretty faithfully is to wash my hunting clothes with one of the varieties of scent free soap that also eliminates the bright color spectrum. I have used products from "Scent Away" the most including their scent away spray before going hunting. and also using various cover scents and attractive scent products in the appropriate season. I would also recommend:

  • Scent Killer Laundry Detergent
  • EliminX Scent prevention kit
  • Scent Shield Clothes Wash
  • Code Blue Earth Scent Laundry Detergent

I also try  to wear rubber boots and I wash them BEFORE hunting. I purchase gasoline the night before hunting if needed so the gas fumes do not permeate my clothing, and I try not to purchase food at the drive through before hunting and allow the opportunity for something to spill onto my hunting clothes. I also use a mouth spray or one of the Gum-O-Flage products for controlling odor from your breath.

Having said all that, I recently read an article about some fairly NEW scent elimination products that are designed to use OZONE to eliminate odors while hunting.

The MOXY SCENT ELIMINATION system - uses a garment bag and handy generation unit to treat your hunting clothes and gear. It uses a patented supercharged oxygen molecule that seeks out and eliminates all forms of bacteria, fungus, mildew, mold and odor causing germs.

The EXTERMINATOR plugs into a Wall outlet and turns a Small room or closet into an odor sanitization unit.

Other similar products are: Log 6, Jenesco and Purify My Hunt.

ALL of the above products require ELECTRICITY which can be on short supply if you are camping or on a remote hunt or 15 feet up a tree stand.

There is a NEWER OZONE product called an Ozonics unit which you can take with you to a ground blind, or up in a tree stand etc. This is a portable unit which eliminates human odor from your body, breath, and the surrounding area while you hunt. It runs on batteries (one charge lasts up to 4 hours), is light weight and small enough to carry in your back pack.

Here is a link to purchasing one of these units which apparently retail for around $300 to $400 each.

A little expensive for my taste and being retired. From what little I have read, they seem to work very well. If you are going on a trophy bear or moose or whitetail hunt that might cost you $1500 up to $15,000 or more, then you might want to take a HARD LOOK at one of these units. It could make a difference between coming home with the trophy of a lifetime or empty handed.


Isaiah 40:31 KJV /But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

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