Saturday, May 25, 2013

Call To Action For NYS Patriots and 2nd Amendment Supporters

I am going to post information here concerning the current movement to REPEAL THE NYS SAFE ACT which was recently passed in NY. I strongly urge all NYS gun owners to get involved and write to your Representatives whether they voted for or against this legislation. Support and congratulate those that voted against it and let those who voted for it know your position on this issue. It is your opportunity to participate in your government and make your voice heard on this issue. If you care about your right to bear arms, if you are a hunter, an avid shooter or just an occasional plinker or hobbyist, NOW is the time to make your voice heard. As one of my teachers in high school was fond of saying, "A word to the wise should be sufficient."

FROM Assemblyman’s David DiPietro’s NYS Assembly Webpage
DiPietro Authors Second Amendment Restoration Bill
March 20, 2013—
Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora),who has been a vocal critic of Gov. Cuomo’s NY SAFE Act, his authored legislation, Assembly Bill 6238, which would repeal the ill-conceived new law.
“The founding fathers of this nation knew that the right to own firearms was as natural as the air we breathe. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. The Second Amendment exists as the last line of resistance against an intrusive government that seeks to strip you of your God-given rights,” DiPietro said. “We have ‘certain unalienable rights, endowed upon us by our creator,’ and protection of these rights is a self-evident truth. These gun laws punish law-abiding citizens and fail to address any of the concerns that precipitated this law being written. We, the people, have shown Gov. Cuomo that we will not stand for having our liberties slowly, but assuredly, stripped away.”
DiPietro’s bill would completely repeal the NY SAFE Act, citing the cost to gun owners and the question of the law’s constitutionality. The bill is currently under review in the Assembly’s Codes Committee. DiPietro is encouraging residents who support his initiative to contact the chair of the Codes Committee, Assemblyman Joseph Lentol (D-North Brooklyn), to ask that the bill be considered immediately, as the ramifications of the NY SAFE Act take full effect on April 15, 2013. To contact Chairman Lentol’s Albany office, please write to Hon. Joseph Lentol, Legislative Office Building, Room 632, Albany, NY 12248.
For more information regarding DiPietro’s repeal bill, or any other legislative issue, please contact his district office at (585) 786-0180. He can also be reached via e-mail at The assemblyman can be found on Facebook as Assemblyman David DiPietro.
Cuomo Looks To Silence Sheriffs
May 20, 2013
SOURCE: Assemblyman David DiPietro Webpage

’Assemblyman David DiPietro (R,C-East Aurora), a vocal critic of the NY SAFE Act, was not surprised by the news reports of Gov. Cuomo demanding that sheriffs hold their tongues when it comes to the controversial gun law. Gov. Cuomo recently held a meeting with sheriffs from across New York State that has been described as heated at times, with reports of the governor threatening to remove sheriffs from office. DiPietro represents portions of Erie County and Wyoming County where both sheriffs, Tim Howard and Farris Heimann, respectively, have been staunch supporters of the assemblyman’s repeal bill.
“This governor wants to shut down all criticism of his controversial law before he launches his potential Presidential run,” DiPietro said. “Law enforcement officials have been told to end their criticism of a law they are charged to enforce. This governor has assaulted our Second Amendment rights, and now he seeks to limit the First Amendment Rights of our local elected officials. How many more of the Bill of Rights does he plan to nullify?”
If you support DiPietro’s call to repeal the NY SAFE Act, please contact his district office at (585) 786-0180. The assemblyman can also be found on Facebook as Assemblyman David DiPietro.
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Lentol--Bring Assmbly REPEAL bill to vote.docLentol--Bring Assmbly REPEAL bill to vote.doc
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FINCH--Bring Assembly REPEAL bill to vote.docFINCH--Bring Assembly REPEAL bill to vote.doc
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