Thursday, October 10, 2013

Deer Season 2013 NYS

As mentioned in a prior post I had quadruple bypass surgery done on July 24th. Because of concerns of stress on a healing sternum, I decided to take the doctor's advice this time and skip bow season in NY this year. We are NOT allowed this year to use crossbows whether handicapped or disabled or not during the regular bow season or I WOULD HAVE  participated. I THINK we will have it allowed by this time next hunting season, however it isn't going to help this year.

In any event I went to the gun club today for a final check on the .308 Savage Weather Warrior and after some range time at 75 and 150 yards, I decided to try a new load this year. I have always used the Winchester 150 grain Power Points in years past, however after getting tighter groups at both ranges, I am switching to the Hornady 150 grain SST load. I was able to print groups at both 75 yards (3/4 inch) and 150 yards (1.25 inch).  I have (4) boxes of these on hand and only a partial box of the Winchester PP loads, so I am switching.

In taking a look at a Hornady trajectory chart today it shows the following with this load:

100 yards 1.5 inches HIGH
200 yards ZERO
300 yards -6.9 inches LOW

Safe to call this a 300 yard load if needed, however I seriously DOUBT I will be presented with a shot anywhere near that yardage where I hunt. Comforting to know the gun and ammunition is up for it if it presents itself.

Part of the fun for me is experimenting with different loads and I like to mix things up now and then. It is certainly a little harder to do this year with the orchestrated Obama Administration ammo shortage. .308 ammo is in especially short supply since these loads also fit the many AR platforms out there.

As mentioned before,  although I can certainly look for and find 200 yard plus shot opportunities,  I am very comfortable that 99% of my shots where I hunt are under 150. For most of my life I hunted with a 12 gauge shotgun with Imp Cylinder bbl in the persuasion of an Ithaca Deerslayer. It had a Weaver K2.5 scope with a side mount on board and it was pie plate accurate out to 100 yards with Foster slugs. I took a lot of deer over the years and never felt handicapped with that gun and load.

In any event, I have been walking 3 to sometimes 4 miles every day for the last two months and I am ready physically and mentally for deer season 2013. My rifle and ammo are up to the task and I know my limitations. I have always prided myself on getting my deer out of the woods on my own, however I am going to bend that rule this year also. I am going to gladly accept help in the form of a 4 wheeler and be happy to have it.


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