Saturday, January 26, 2013

NYS Gun Law S2230 Approved 43/18 Senate Jan 14, 2013

Right up front, I am 100% against the recently passed gun legislation in NYS. It will do nothing to prevent criminal activity, mass shootings and gun violence. Criminals by their very nature do not obey laws, whether we are talking gun laws, traffic laws, illegal drug trafficking laws, or any other laws. The very name criminal indicates they are OUTSIDE of the law. For some unexplainable reason defying logic, the left wing, liberal politicians seem to believe if they just pass another law the problem is solved.

Webster dictionary definition:

crim·i·nal audio (krm-nl) KEY


  1. Of, involving, or having the nature of crime: criminal abuse.
  2. Relating to the administration of penal law.
    1. Guilty of crime.
    2. Characteristic of a criminal.

  • Shameful; disgraceful: a criminal waste of talent.
  • NOUN:

    One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.

    Here is a summary fact sheet from the office of Senator Jim Seward who by the way voted against the legislation S2230 recently passed. This legislation while doing nothing to prevent further mass shooting tragedies or limit criminal activity does violate our 2nd amendment rights. If you would like to voice your opinion or sign a petition to help overturn and rescind this entire legislation or portions thereof, here is a link to Senator Kathleen Marchione 43rd Senate district NYS.

    Summary fact sheet on recently passed NYS gun Legislation:

    NOW is not the time for any of us to sit by and figure others will write to their respective Representatives. NOW is the time for everyone who owns a firearm and values the 2nd amendment to step up to the plate and let their voice be heard. I respectfully ask you you to write or call or BOTH today.


    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


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